What is KEKEME?
Kekeme is a Hiaki word that describes a snarling, biting animal- what I am.
Hello fellow creatures on the web, welcome to my personal den (website)! This is place for myself, my interests, learning more about therianthropy/kintypes etc, and art + blogging! This site is a like a complex system of tree roots, always expanding and in search for new, nutrient rich soil.
Den navigation is on the top, please feel free to snoop to your hearts content! Just keep in mind, this place is best viewed on desktop or layouts similar. I apologize if anything looks a little messy on mobile. This place is image heavy, because of this, some elements might take some time to load - Images might contain bright/constrating or flashing colors.
A short little about me; Im a coyote cub living in the western United States. I have a lot of interests, all of which can be found in my "about me" tab! PLease check that out if you're interested in knowing more about me.